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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Week 4

 We hope you have all settled into your learning routines again.  Please read our message below for details of what you should be doing next week. Thank you to those who have sent us messages or photos of their learning. Keep that up.. we love to hear from you.  


Most of you are keeping up with your Mathletics  which is great!  Please also remember to go on to Purple Mash as you can load your learning and we can communicate with you this way too.  


White rose has the week's lesson with introductory presentations. Use the link below to first watch the presentations for each day before accessing the activities. When you are ready you can also access the answers.  You need to be following Summer Term Week 2


Your teachers have asked that you use the following link to start the new science topic: adaptation , evolution and inheritance  Then, pleases complete the following lesson:


Please also see your RE learning for this week.