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St Peter's C of E Primary School


School Lunch

St Peter's School has a high specification kitchen and a full compliment of staff supplied by Twelve15 to cater for all children's needs. They offer a wide range of options and cater for special diets. Food is bought from responsible sourcing and is local and regional produce. Please see their website for further information:

Why have a school lunch? Research carried out by the Children’s Food Trust shows that children who eat a nutritionally balanced meal at lunch time were more alert and over three times more likely to be 'on-task' working with a teacher after lunch time, than those who didn't. In addition research carried out by Oxford and Essex universities showed children eating healthier lunches do far better in tests and absences through sickness dropped by around 14%

Parents can order their child's meal online with the meal for that day described on the website.  Instructions can be found below. Twelve15 produce a balanced menu seasonally. 


Online Ordering Codes:

M - Main Meal

V - Vegetarian Meal


Special Diets

If your child has an allergy, Twelve15 will not cater for your child unless a Special Diet Form has been received. Please note that children already registered with a special diet will not be able to change their meal options.