The Governing Body
Our Vision
At St Peter’s we have high expectations where everyone flourishes, achieves and succeeds within a safe, inclusive Christian community. We promote gospel teachings of independence, respect and empathy. Through an exciting curriculum, children are inspired to find joy as lifelong learners and active world citizens.
Jesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you." John 13:v34
Electoral Division: Farnham South DCSF No. 3345
Governor Posts: 8 Foundation (4 PCC, 3 Diocese, 1 Ex-officio), 2 Parent, 1 Head teacher,
1 Staff, 1 LA, 1 Co-opted.
Name | Type of Governor | Date appt'd | End Term | Membership of Committees | ||
Mr Bart Caines | Foundation (PCC) Co Chair |
Resources reappointed |
Mr Mark Adam |
Foundation (PCC)
09.01.23 | 08.01.27 |
Resources reappointed |
Mr Mike Rabjohns |
Foundation (PCC)
02.11.23 | 01.11.27 |
Resources reappointed |
Mrs Sally Woods | Foundation (PCC) | 26.01.23 | 25.01.27 |
Children & Learning reappointed |
Rev Jacqueline Drake-Smith | Ex-officio Incumbent | 22.03.18 | Children & Learning | |||
Mr Bruce Kingma | Foundation (Diocesan) | 07.11.24 | 06.11.28 |
Vacancy | Foundation (Diocesan) | |||||
Mr Ted Wheatley |
Foundation (Diocesan) Co Chair |
17.07.24 | 16.07.28 |
Children & Learning reappointed |
Mrs Becky Stevens |
03.10.24 | 02.10.28 |
Children & Learning |
Mr Jim Dunnatt
Parent (Elected) |
06.02.25 |
05.02.29 | TBC | ||
Mr Alberto Lidji
Parent (Elected) | 10.12.21 | 09.12.25 | Resources | ||
Mrs Sarah Dunning
Head Teacher | 01.01.13 | All committees | |||
Ms Emily Taylor
Staff (Elected) | 11.09.24 | 10.09.28 | Children & Learning | ||
Mrs Julie Davidson
LA | 19.01.23 | 18.01.27 | Children & Learning | ||
Mrs Juliet Williams |
Clerk (Appointed by the GB)
14.01.19 | In attendance at all committees | |||
Left within 12 months
Rev Dr Michael Hopkins Emma KillingtonNeil Ambrose Patrick Goodlet |
Foundation (Diocese)
Staff (Elected) Foundation (Diocese) Parent (Elected) |
25.01.24 27.10.24 23.10.20 |
31.08.24 26.10.24 22.10.24 |
PS&WB reappointment
Children & Learning Children & Learning Resource
Full Governing Body (FGB) - Meets termly. All Governors invited to attend.
Co Chairs: Mr Bart Caines & Mr Ted Wheatley
Resources - Covers Finance, Buildings, HR and Health & Safety. (clerked)
Meets termly ahead of FGB plus 1-2 budget sessions/year
Mr Bart Caines
Mr Mark Adam
Mr Bruce Kingma
Mr Alberto Lidji
Mr Mike Rabjohns (Chair)
Mrs Sarah Dunning
In attendance: Mrs Fiona Hopkins
Mrs Sarah Marshall
Children & Learning - Meets half termly ahead of FGB. (clerked)
Mrs Sally Woods (Chair)
Rev Jacqueline Drake Smith
Mrs Julie Davidsen
Mrs Becky Stevens
Mr Ted Wheatley
Mrs Emily Taylor
Mrs Sarah Dunning
In attendance: Mrs Sarah Marshall
Admissions - Meets twice yearly or as required. (clerked)
Mr Mike Rabjohns
Mr Bruce Kingma
Rev Jacqueline Drake-Smith
Mrs Sarah Dunning
In attendance: Admissions Lead
Please direct your questions or comments for Governors to: