Awards - these pages are being updated
School awards are presented by nationally accredited bodies as a recognition of a school’s achievements in a specific area. The process of achieving a whole school award requires a thorough evaluation of existing practice. It encourages us to question what we are doing and whether it is achieving the intended impact.
Our range of awards demonstrates the depth and breadth of our curriculum which has strengths in many areas. These awards also enable us to make very strong links across the curriculum as we cross-reference our evidence. As an example, a project focusing on Fairtrade and justice would fit perfectly as evidence for
the Eco award, the Fairtrade Achiever, the International Award, Artsmark and possibly the REQM. These natural links also help our pupils to see the inter-connectiveness of people around the world and the common issues that they face.
As such we are constantly aiming to enhance the provision. In order to achieve a whole school award, a school needs to provide evidence that practice is really embedded and that it is contributing to raising whole school pedagogy and standards. We ensure that all awards are developing existing good practice.
St Peter's provision has been recognised with achieving the following accreditations:
- SCHOOL GAMES PLATINUM July 2023 (Youth Sports Trust) - after holding Gold for four years
- RE QUALITY MARK GOLD (confirmed June 2016) - the highest level (The RE Council of England & Wales)
- Artsmark GOLD (confirmed October 2024)
- FAIRTRADE ACHIEVER AWARD (reconfirmed Summer 2023) - the highest level (The Fairtrade Foundation)
- HEALTHY SCHOOLS AWARD 2022 (Healthy Schools UK)
- BRITISH COUNCIL'S INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AWARD - full re-accreditation Autumn 2024- the highest level
- ECO Award - GREEN FLAG with DISTINCTION - re-awarded Summer 2024 (Eco-Schools UK)