Emotional Health & Well-being - Trick Box lead school
At St Peter's we place great importance on emotional well-being and mental health. Many studies have shown that individuals who have confidence and a positive outlook on life, tend to make good relationships and achieve success in different aspects of their lives.
Trick Box - building confidence and positive thinking for life!
If a pupil is not feeling positive about themselves, we know that they are not going to be ready to learn effectively. We have support for pupils and staff in school on an ad-hoc basis, but in 2019 we introduced Trick Box, which is a programme which gives everyone (pupils and adults) strategies for managing 'tricky' situations.
What is Trick Box?
Trick Box is a personal development programme which has been developed by experts to support children and adults to become autonomous in their decision-making and positive in their outlook on life. There is a big focus on supporting children to both regulate their own emotions and to pick up on others' social and communication cues.
Trick Box is designed to be used at home and school to give children strategies for developing resilience and effective communication. It begins in Early Years and carries through to when pupils leave us in Y6. The presentation below, made in November 2020, outlines how we use the programme in school. Our aim is for the Trick Box strategies to become a common language across the school.
During 2021, we have introduced Trick Box mentors who support other children on the playground by helping them to problem-solve and build good relationships.
During 2022 three staff members have been trained to run workshop for parents. These coaching style workshops have been designed by experts to equip parents both to support their child through 'wobbly' moments and to help them with strategies for becoming independent thinkers and autonomous agents. We have now been recognised as a Trick Box lead school and are ready to help other schools who would like to know more about the programme.
Our Trick Box Mentor Team in action